Posts Tagged ‘Multiple Big Bangs’

Multiple Big Bangs Creating New Universes..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.

September 7, 2013


Multiple Big Bangs, Creating Multiple Universes, Creating A Whole New Set Of Physical Laws Within Each New Universe….


Click On Little Green Lady From Neighboring Universe To See Her And Her Outer Space Family.

Little Green Lady




At one time SCIFI writers always had a field day creating Parallel Universes.

Neighboring Universes with Green Monsters showing up destroying Mother Earth and all her evolved life including humans.

This notion of multiple big bangs was thought to be an absurd fantasy and there was only one big bang and before it there was nothing….

This is changing.

The current belief is now leaning towards multiple smaller big bangs within the Milky Way Galaxy that will last for many billions of years then slowly begin to contract back in to one small energy packet.

This energy packet then explodes once again creating yet another smaller energy Big Bang and another star cluster like the Centauri Globular Cluster NGC5139 within the Milky Way Galaxy where our current big bang is only one of billions of Big Bangs.

In addition, Big Bangs that has occurred before us shows this multiple process goes on forever each time creating a whole new universe .

Each time a new universe is created a whole new set of physical laws is also created with it.

Physical Laws of which we in this Universe would have no idea what they are .

For Example, another universe may not have gravity where all matter is stuck together with electromagnetic energy and not gravity.

This all leads to having millions of universes that are all closed systems called bubbles.

Further, it is now thought that these bubbles crash into one another causing devastating destruction and we now think there is evidence showing cosmic scars from crashing universe bubbles.


 Free Outer Space Greetings Cards..

Click On Poka Hauntis Outer Space Witch.. 

I got a bad case of CRS..

Can’t Remember Squat

Some of this life comes from a neighboring Universe with passage through a local worm hole and/or galactic black hole…




Creating New Universes From Multiple Big Bangs…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author

August 20, 2013

Click On Little Green Lady From Neighboring Universe.


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Hank Curci: Multiple Big Bangs Creating Multiple Universes.. New Living DNA, New Physical Laws.

December 25, 2012


Creating Multiple Universes

New Living DNA, New Physical Laws.


The current belief is now leaning towards multiple big bangs that will last for many billions of years then slowly begin to contract back in to one small energy packet.



Click On Link..

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Creating New Universes From Multiple Big Bangs.. By Hank Curci, MS Math Stanford..

February 13, 2012

Creating New Universes..

At one time SCIFI writers always had a field day creating Parallel Universes.

Neighboring Universes with Green Monsters showing up destroying Mother Earth and all her evolved life including humans.

This Is Changing.. The Real Story Is..







Hank Curci Writes Creating New Universes From Multiple Big Bangs.

February 4, 2012

Click On Little Green Lady From Neighboring Universe.


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